BPSC PGT Computer Science MCQ

BPSC PGT Computer Science

Computer (Introduction)

1. In Computer the data is stored in which forms. 

Ans:- Binary 

 2. Which command is called as 3 finger salute in computers. 

Ans:- Ctrl + Alt + Delete 

3. Which Command is not used to switch off the computer. 

Ans:- Hibernate 

4. Control Unit is called the ___ of a computer. 

Ans:- Nerve Center or Brain 

5. Instructions to computer are given through _ 

Ans:- Input unit 

6. What is the typed , submitted or transmitted data called in a computer system. 

Ans:- Input 

7. All the machinery and equipments of computer are called _. 

Ans:- Hardware 

8. Organized files can be stored in ___. 

Ans:- Folder 

9. What is a collection of information saved as a unit called. 

Ans:- File Hardware 


10. Cut , Copy and Paste option are found in ____ menu. 

Ans:- Edit 

11. What does an information becomes after input into a computer. 

Ans:- Data 

12. In which graphics, digital photos and scanned images are typically stored with 

extentions such as: .bmp , .png , .jpg , .gif. 

Ans:- Bitmap 

 13. which Indian IT expert is called "the father of the Pentium processor". 

Ans:- AnandChandrashekhar 

14. Which Process refers to the starting up of a computer and the loading of the required 

parts of the operating system into the RAM. 

Ans:- Booting 

 15. what is defined as "a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers 

and execute specific tasks". 

Ans:- Software 

 16. A screen in a software program that permits the user to view several programs at one 

time is called 

Ans:- Window 

 17. Small & Cheap Computers built into several home appliances are of which type ? 

Ans:- Micro Computers 

18. ENIAC was ____ 

Ans:- An Electronic Computer 

19. Which was the First super computer purchased by India for medium range weather 


Ans:- CrayXMP-14 


 20. A portable, personal computer small enough to fit on your lap is called a 

Ans:- Note-book computer

21. Which computer is used in Hospitals to measure the heartbeat of patients. 

Ans:- Hybrid Computers 

 22. who created the Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC) with a 

memory to hold both , a stored program as well as data. 

Ans:- John Von Neumann 

 23. Chief Component of First generation computer was ____. 

Ans:- Vaccum Tube 

24. In 1991, India's First Indigenous supercomputer named _ was developed by Vijay 


Ans:- Param 8000 

 25. Second generation computers can be characterized largely by their use of ____. 

Ans:- Transistors 

26. The Period of the second generation computers was ____ 

Ans:- 1959-1964 

27. The letter "G" used in "2G spectrum" stands for _ Ans:- Generation 

28. What did the First electronic digital computer contain ? 

Ans:- Valves 

29. who invented the First Computer Mouse ? 

Ans:- Douglas Engelbart 

30. In which country was the First Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, the First 

programmable general purpose electronic digital computer, developed ? 

Ans:- USA 

 31. Who has developed the Automatically Programmable Tool (APT) ? 

Ans:- Douglas T Ross 

32. who introduced the world's first laptop computer in the market ? 

Ans:- Epson 

33. Which company manufactured the First microprocessor 4004 ?

Ans:- INTEL Corporation 

 34. where was India's first computer installed ? 

Ans:- Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta 

35. The First computer made available for commercial use was ? 


36. what is the name of the first super computer of the world ? 

Ans:- CDC 6600 

37. The First barcode system was developed by 

Ans:- Norman Joseph Woodland 

38. The world wide web was invented in the year ___ 

Ans:- 1989 

39. what is the name of India's fastest and first multi petaflops super computer unveiled at 

pune based India Institute of Tropical Meterology. 

Ans:- Pratyush 

 40. who was the founder of the first search engine called "Archie". 

Ans:- Alan Emtage 

41. who pioneered binary logic and arithmetic in computers programming. 

Ans:- Claude Shannon 

42. who designed the first analog Computer in India. 

Ans:- Samarendra Kumar Mitra 

43. who is called Father of supercomputing. 

Ans:- Seymour Cray 

44. In which year did the javascript programming language come into existence. 

Ans:- 1995

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