Computer Science Set-2 | Qu-50 | MCQ | PGT | BPSC TRE | STET | UGC Net

Computer Science Question Bank

प्रश्न के नीचे 4 ऑप्शन पर क्लिक करने से सही उत्तर हरा रंग और गलत उत्तर लाल रंग हो जाएगा।

Question 151: Which of the following is not the major function of a computer?

  1. Processing data information
  2. Storing data or information
  3. Analysing data or information
  4. Gathering data

Question 152: The term CRM means ___________.

  1. Channel Related Marketing
  2. Customer's Relative Meet
  3. Customer Retention Manager
  4. Customer Relationship Management

Question 153: What is the main folder on a storage device called?

  1. Root directory
  2. Device driver
  3. interface
  4. Platform

Question 154: A central computer surrounded by one or more satellite computers is called a?

  1. Star Network
  2. Ring Network
  3. Bus Network
  4. Mesh Network

Question 155: Punched cards were first introduced by _____________.

  1. Powers
  2. Pascal
  3. Jacquard
  4. Herman Hollerith

Question 156: A pixel is _________.

  1. a computer program that draws picture
  2. a picture stored in the secondary memory
  3. the smallest resolvable part of a picture
  4. a Virus

Question 157: What is MP3?

  1. A mouse
  2. A printer
  3. A sound format
  4. A scanner

Question 158: Decimal ‘6’ will be  in binary?

  1. 0010
  2. 0100
  3. 0110
  4. 0101

Question 159: decimal (-)2 will be in signed binary.

  1. 110
  2. 010
  3. 10
  4. 11

Question 160: A ____________ is approximately a million bytes.

  1. gigabyte
  2. kilobyte
  3. megabyte
  4. terabyte

Question 161: Signed BINARY ‘110’ means in decimal?

  1. +2
  2. +3
  3. -2
  4. -0

Question 162: A place that a user can create to store files.

  1. cursor
  2. text
  3. folder
  4. boot

Question 163: Which is not an item of hardware ?

  1. An MP3 file
  2. A keyboard
  3. A disk drive
  4. A monitor

Question 164: Decimal 24 in octal will be..?

  1. 30
  2. 20
  3. 10
  4. 00

Question 165: Networking such as LAN, MAN started from:

  1. First generation
  2. Second generation
  3. Third generation
  4. Fourth generation

Question 166: Which of the following is the most suitable programming language for scientific purpose?

  1. COBOL
  2. BASIC
  4. Power Point

Question 167: A major upgrade or revision of software is reflected in the use of?

  1. special symbols
  2. decimal numbers
  3. version letters
  4. whole numbers

Question 168: X.21 protocol consists of?

  1. Physical and frame layers
  2. Frame and packet layers
  3. Physical, frame and packet layers
  4. Only Physical layers

Question 169: The components that process data are located in the-

  1. input devices
  2. Output devices
  3. System unit
  4. Storage component

Question 170: In MS-Word, an efficient way to move the 3rd paragraph to place it after the 5th paragraph is ___________.

  1. copy and paste
  2. copy and cut
  3. cut, copy and paste
  4. cut and paste

Question 171: Which file creates a perfect reproduction of the original images?

  1. DOCX
  2. XLSX
  3. GIF
  4. JPEG

Question 172: Where are programs and data kept while the processor is using them?

  1. Main memory
  2. Secondary memory
  3. Disk memory
  4. Program memory

Question 173: BINARY ‘111’ means in decimal?

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 7

Question 174: To view information on the Web you must have a _________.

  1. cable modem
  2. Web browser
  3. hypertext viewer
  4. domain name server

Question 175: Octal  ‘2’ will be  in  binary?

  1. 010
  2. 10
  3. 01
  4. 011

Question 176: BCD coded ‘0101’ means in decimal?

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5

Question 177: Word processing, spreadsheet, and photo-editing are examples of:

  1. application software
  2. system software
  3. operating system software
  4. platform software

Question 178: What type of port sends data one bit at a time?

  1. Serial
  2. Parallel
  3. USB
  4. FireWire

Question 179: What kind of server converts IP addresses to domain names?

  1. RTP
  2. UTP
  3. MNS
  4. DNS

Question 180: Which one of the following software application would be the most appropriate for performing numerical and statisitical calculations?

  1. Database
  2. Document processor
  3. Graphics package
  4. Spreadsheet

Question 181: The primary job of an operating system is to manage- ?

  1. Commands
  2. Users
  3. Programmes
  4. Resources

Question 182: Which is used to return to the first slide during the Slide-Show?

  1. Ctrl + 1
  2. Shift + 1 + Enter
  3. Ctrl + 1 + Enter
  4. 1 + Enter

Question 183: Junk e-mail is also called?

  1. spoof
  2. crap
  3. sniffer script
  4. spam

Question 184: The components that process data are located in the _________________ .

  1. output devices
  2. input devices
  3. system unit
  4. storage component

Question 185: Which of the following was the world's first electronic programmable computing device?

  1. ENIAC
  2. Model K
  3. Colossus
  4. Curta

Question 186: RAM is a(n)?

  1. Unaffordable memory
  2. Removable memory
  3. Temporary memory
  4. Permanent memory

Question 187: A computer‟s hard disk is…?

  1. an arithmetic and logical unit
  2. computer software
  3. operating system
  4. computer hardware

Question 188: A file is often referred to as a?

  1. pane
  2. document
  3. wizard
  4. device

Question 189: Inventor of C++ is _________.

  1. Martin Cooper
  2. Vint Cerf
  3. Charles Babbage
  4. Bjarne Stroustrup

Question 190: Signed BINARY ‘0101’ means in decimal?

  1. +4
  2. +3
  3. +5
  4. -5

Question 191: The file that is linked with an e-mail and sent to the receiver of the e-mail is referred to as ____________.

  1. Annexure
  2. Attachment
  3. appendage
  4. add-on

Question 192: What is the best way to have a data and the slide number appear on every slide?

  1. Choose Tools, Header and Footer, click Slide tab, select the desired options, click Apply to All
  2. Choose Insert, Header and Footer, click Slide tab, select the desired options, click Apply to All
  3. Choose View, Header and Footer, click Slide tab, select the desired options, click Apply to All
  4. Choose File, Header and Footer, click Slide tab, select the desired options, click Apply to All

Question 193: The two basic types of record access methods are _______ and __________.

  1. sequential, random
  2. direct, immediate
  3. sequential, indexed
  4. on-line, real-time

Question 194: File extension is used _________.

  1. for naming the file.
  2. to ascertain that file name is not lost
  3. to identify file
  4. to identify file type

Question 195: C, BASIC, COBAL, and Java are examples of ________________ languages.

  1. Low level
  2. Computer
  3. high level
  4. System programming

Question 196: Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to a _____________ .

  1. mainframe
  2. supercomputer
  3. network
  4. client

Question 197: The standard size reel of magnetic tape is:

  1. 120 feet in length
  2. 240 feet in length
  3. 1200 feet in length
  4. 2400 feet in length

Question 198: The CPU comprises of Control, Memory and ________ units.

  1. Microprocessor
  2. Arithmetic/Logic
  3. Output
  4. ROM

Question 199: Binary 110 100 101 is in octal will be.

  1. 645
  2. 242
  3. 324
  4. 247

Question 200: To save an existing file with new name at a new location we should us _______ command.

  1. Save
  2. Save and replace
  3. Save as
  4. New file

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